Heron Cove - Table View



Heron Cove is one of the best run complexes in the Table View area, lead by a leading management company and competent Body Corporate who enforce the Code of Conduct. The complex enjoys the safety of 24-hour security whole patrol the area, CCTV and a boomed entrance.

There are recreational braai facilities available, together with two well maintained swimming pools, jungle gyms and plenty of grass areas suitable for walks and children’s play. The gardens are kept in a lovely condition by the use of the borehole watering system and a full-time maintenance crew.

The complex is ‘dog friendly’ as long as one ensures their dog also abides my the Code, and respects the noise levels. All animals, however, must be kept in your own garden. A full laundry facility is also available for residents’ use in the complex.

The complex has recently been repainted and freshened up as the Body Corporate continue to strive to create a better living environment for all the residents.